A typical pedophile will commit 117 sexual crimes in a lifetime.
Children were victims of sexual assault in 2019.
93% of victims know their abuser.
Our Philosophy
We see ourselves as more than just attorneys. Craig Charles Law provides each victim of California child sex abuse with a holistic healing approach. In addition to obtaining maximum compensation for each California sex abuse client, our firm also employs a team of mental health specialists and case workers who help to provide healing and closure. We consider our clients family, and treat each child sex abuse victim with the care, attention and compassion they deserve. Unlike large “mill” law firms, each sex abuse client works directly with an attorney who is available during every step of litigation.
1 in 5 females are the victim of underage sex abuse
40% of all sex abuse crimes go unreported
1 in 20 males are the victim of underage sex abuse
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How We Can Help
What Our Clients Are Saying
Choose an experienced attorney who you can trust
Craig Charles Law is a boutique law firm focused solely on obtaining justice for victims of California child sex abuse. Our vast experience allows us to deliver top-notch results and help sex abuse clients gain a sense of closure. We take an individual approach to each case, ensuring that sex abuse victims receive the care they need and the compensation they deserve. If you or a loved one is the victim of underage child sex abuse in California, let us help you on your road to recovery. For a confidential, no-cost consultation, contact us today.